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Coco's Musings

Tick Season is Here

By April 30, 2018July 7th, 2023No Comments

Ticks are small, but they can create long term problems. Here are some ways we can help protect our pets.

Preventive year-round tick prevention in this area is highly recommended. Ticks can survive cold weather. Our recommendation for flea and tick prevention is a product called Nexgard. This is a chew given once a month as a treat. This preventive starts killing ticks quickly and lasts at least 30 days.

If you take your dog to heavily wooded areas, or dog parks product like Nexgard is a must. Even if your pet may be on a highly effective preventative, we still recommend doing routine tick checks after outside activities. Ticks like to attach on your dog’s head, ears, between their toes and inside their legs ! If you find a tick, you can wear a glove, use tweezers and grab very close to skin and do a steady rearward pressure to remove it. Clean the area afterwards and can apply Neosporin on the skin.

Please call us with any questions 904-209-5740.

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